HomeJournal Issues Issue Details

Vol. 28


  • October 2021
1687-3572 (print)
2537-0642 (Online)
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The "Future of Arabic Education" magazine presents it's issue No: 133 to its valued readers, professors, scholars, and those interested in sustainable human development issues, education issues, and it includes five studies in Arabic.
The First Study: The study aimed to reveal the relationship between the quality of career life and administrative creativity among female administrative staff at prince sultan university in Riyadh, by determining the degree of availability of the dimensions of the quality of career life represented in: (career safety and stability, wages and rewards, occupational health and safety, capacity development opportunities, social integration at work, freedom of expression and participation), and determining the degree of practicing administrative female administrators for administrative creativity and the study used the descriptive approach with its survey and relevance methods.
The study reached a number of results, most notably the following: the degree of availability of the dimensions of the quality of functional life in general at prince Sultan University in Riyadh came to medium degree, and the dimensions were arranged in descending order according to their availability as follows: (social inclusion at work, occupational health and safety, freedom of expression and participation, opportunities for capacity development and career advancement, safety and job stability, wages and rewards), also, the degree of administrative creativity practiced by female administrative staff at prince sultan university in Riyadh came to a high degree.
The study is by Dr. Maryam Mohamed Fadl al Shahry.
The Second Study: The study aimed to Standing on the determinants of efficiency of the education administration of the second cycle school of basic education in Suez governorate and the proposed procedures for raising them in light of the available capabilities and the circumstances surrounding the school so that it can achieve its desired goals. The research used the descriptive approach.
One of its most prominent results was that some schools of the second cycle of the basic education in Suez governorate suffer from a lack of activities provided to the student, due to the conditions that the whole world is going through including the Egyptian society, with a lack of motivation by the teacher towards management towards the student, and the loss of the spirit of honest competition between teachers and each other due to their preoccupation with other work as well the administrators of the same school, and the lack of training programs directed to the teacher, especially in the field of modern developments of the educational process.
The study is by  Mrs. Asmaa Samir shehata, prof. Dr. Manal Rashad Abdel Fattah, Dr.Ehab Ebrahim El Haw.
The third study: This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of an improved curriculum in computer to developing database skills among students of commercial secondary schools.
To achieve this aim, the research was based on the descriptive and analytical approach, as well as the experimental approach .
The research found a proposed model for developing the content of databases, and in light of the results, the researcher recommended the adoption of the proposed model by the ministry of education and its circulation to commercial secondary schools, qualifying and training commercial secondary education teachers to teach a computer course through distance learning platforms.
The study is by Mr. Wagdi Mustafa Mohamed el Sayed, Prof. Dr. Ebada Ahmed Ebada AL kholy, Prof. Dr. Abu Hesham Abdulaziz Habib Salim, Assistant Professor Dr. Nagwa  Noureldeen Abulaziz Moustafa.
The fourth study: It aimed to Verify the effectiveness of a program based on mental visualization in teaching literary texts to develop the literary imagination of female secondary school students, the researcher prepared a list of literary fiction skills, a test of literary fiction skills, and a teacher's guide according to the proposed fiction, the study used the descriptive method and the questionnaire as a tool for collecting information.
The results of the study revealed a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental and control group students in the post application of the literary imagination skills test in favor of experimental group.
        The study is by Mrs. Samar Saber Youssef,  Prof. Dr. Abdulhamid Zahri Saad, Prof.Dr. Mohamed Salah El Deen Salem
The Fifth study: The aim of the current research is to build an integrative curriculum in applied geometry and measure its effectiveness in developing problem-solving skills among secondary school students. To achieve this goal, the student's book was prepared and controlled, which included the integrative curriculum in applied geometry, and a teacher's guide was prepared for teaching the curriculum, and the research tools included a test problem solving skills. The study used the descriptive method and the quasi-experimental method.
The research found a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of students in the two applications, the pre and post applications of problem solving skills test, in favor of their scores in the post application. In light of these results, the researcher recommended adopting the integrative approach in building curricula because of its importance in developing problem solving skills.
The study is by Mr. Hamada Mohamed Al Hussieny, Prof. Dr. Shaaban Hefny Shaaban Prof. Dr. Abu Hashem Abdulaziz Salim, Prof. Dr. Waleed Sayed Abdul karim
        In the section of books' presentation, Prof.Dr. Mohammed Mostafa Saleh presents a book written by: Prof. Dr. Diaa El-Din Zaher entitled “Network Models To Managing Educational Projects and Systems (Techniques & Applications” and it is one of the important books that is considered a real academic addition to the Arab Library.
In the section of university theses, magazine presents a presentation of the master's thesis by researcher Noha Adel Mugahed Ahmed Mugahed under the title: "Enhancing societal responsibility for students of the Egyptian secondary education to achieve Sustainable development requirements".
We ask Allah to guide us to what is good and benefit us with our knowledge and to teach us what we are ignorant. Allah is the conciliator and guide to the most correct path.                       

Issue Studies