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Developmental Visions to Activate Academic Integrity in the Egyptian Universities

The current study aimed at setting up some progressive views about the activation of academic integrity in Egyptian universities through recognizing the ideological and philosophical outline that the academic integrity is based upon, and the role of Egyptian university in rooting academic integrity in its students and faculty, and diagnosing  reality of violating the academic integrity in Egyptian universities by students and faculty, as well as, the challenges relating to activation of academic integrity in Egyptian universities. For actualizing the study aim and responding questions arisen by it, the author utilised the descriptive analytical method as it is in harmony with the nature of study topic and scope. Study participants consisted of representative students and faculties of four  Egyptian universities ; ( Cairo, Asuit, Souhag and New Valley). The study concluded some results, the most important of them is the weakness and insufficiency related to the Egyptian universities role in rooting academic integrity in student and faculty, prevalence of some kinds of academic integrity violation in Egyptian universities by  faculty. The most prevailed and frequent images : forcing students to buy faculty editions, preparation of scientific paper collected from masters and doctors degrees and unsound editing when translating some paragraphs from English references.