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The role of values and styles of thinking in predicting creativity Among university students

The present study aimed at identifying the order of values and common thinking methods at the level of innovative thinking among university students, and to reveal the degree of prediction for each of the values and methods of thinking about innovation and examine the differences in the value system and methods of thinking and innovation according to variables (social status "married, unmarried" - Makan Residence (village, city)). The research sample consisted of (120) female students from the Department of Psychology at the College of Education for Girls in Abha, King Khalid University, and the descriptive approach was used and the researcher designed the scale of thinking methods and the scale of innovative thinking, and used the values test (preparation / Vernon, Alport and Lindsey - Arabization and preparation / here, Attia Mahmoud 1959 - after adjusting it to fit the current sample in the Saudi environment) to apply these tools to the current research sample, and the results concluded that social values came first, followed by religious values, then economic values, then theoretical values, then aesthetic values and finally political values, and that a Common methods of thinking with a high degree are represented in the hierarchical method that occupied the first position, followed by the internal, then external, and legislative method, followed by the local method, then the liberal, then the executive, then the wisdom and finally the conservative method, and the responses of the students came up on the scale of innovative thinking, as the results showed We cannot predict the degree of innovation through the degree of values, but the method of thinking (judicious and liberated), they are the two methods that are able to contribute to the prediction of the degree of innovative thinking, and demonstrated that there are no statistically significant differences in the value system and the methods of thinking and innovation of the sample sample. W attributed to the variables (marital status "married - not married" - residence "Village," the place of the current research sample students, except there is a statistically significant difference in the average temperature of the conservative method depending on the place of residence, for the benefit of residents of the village.