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Body Image and its Relationship to Future Anxiety Among Female Education Workers With and Without Breast Cancer

The current study aimed to identify the body image and its relationship to future anxiety among female education workers with and without breast cancer, and the study sample consisted of (120) female education workers and the sample was divided (60) female education workers with breast cancer from the Health Insurance Hospital in Suez. And (60) women working in education for non-injured women from the old middle schools of girls in Suez, and the body image scale was applied from the numbers of Zainab Shuqair, and future anxiety was prepared by the researcher, and the study found a positive correlation between body image and future anxiety in its dimensions among women with breast cancer There is no positive correlation between the scale of future anxiety with its dimensions and body image for non-women with breast cancer, there are no significant differences between women and non-women with breast cancer in future anxiety, and there are significant differences between women and non-women with breast cancer in their body image.