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Digital Addiction and Its Relationship to Social Isolation Among Secondary students

The current study aimed to reveal the relationship of digital addiction to both social isolation among secondary school students, and the possibility of predicting both social isolation from the dimensions of digital addiction among secondary school students, and to reveal the differences in the dimensions of digital addiction, social isolation among (male - Female) students and the (scientific and literary) divisions among secondary school students, and for this purpose, a pilot study was conducted on a sample of secondary school students, and the main sample consisted of (150) male and female students from the secondary stage from Suez Governorate. The data was also statistically processed using Pearson correlation coefficient, simple regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, and statistical “t” test, and the results were discussed and interpreted in the light of the conceptual framework and previous studies, the results of the study revealed a relationship between the dimensions of digital addiction and both social isolation. The results also revealed the possibility of predicting social isolation from the dimensions of digital addiction, and there were no differences between male and female students and between students in scientific and literary divisions in digital addiction, social isolation among secondary school students, and the order of male and female students in digital network addiction among secondary school students.