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The Self-Employment Culture: False Concepts and Absent Essentials from the Egyptian Education System in the Light of the Analysis of Some Models of Successful Self-Made Egyptian Characters

Self-employment has been one of the most important pillars of the economy and development of any country seeking advancement and progress. It is the free labor that has established many sovereign countries due to the large number of projects and companies in these countries, which have positive repercussions on the economic and social aspects, increasing incomes, fighting unemployment and deviant behavior and developing self-reliance. In order for countries to advance, they promote and encourage a culture of free enterprise, including quality education, equipped infrastructure, training centers and targeted media. They provide logistical and financial support from permits, legal representatives, loans and grants, support mechanisms for creativity and innovation.
The above study aimed to answer the following questions:
  1. What is the concept of a culture of self-employment?
  2. What social factors led to the decline of the culture of self-employment in the Egyptian education system (pre-university and university)?
  3. What are the misconceptions prevalent in the Egyptian education system (pre-university and university), which impede self-employment and free enterprise in the Egyptian society?
  4. What are the most important elements of the success of some of the self-made personalities in the Egyptian society?
  5. How can we take advantage of the elements of the success of some of the self-made personalities who are self-employed in the reform of the Egyptian education?
In order to answer the study questions, the research design included the use of the descriptive method in understanding and analyzing the concept of the culture of self-employment, analyzing the societal factors that influenced free labor, in addition to using the method of content analysis to identify the misconceptions that impede the free labor in Egyptian society. The study ended with the establishment of several mechanisms to benefit from these figures in promoting the culture of self-employment through the Egyptian education system (pre-university and university).